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Disney World – E & D Sitting in a Tree

Tag: Disney World

  • Packing for Disney World

    Packing for Disney World

    So you booked your flight to Florida, pre-purchased your park tickets, and mapped out your FastPasses*. Now comes the crucial question, what do you need to pack?! We thought we’d revisit what we’ve packed in the past to help guide you with your packing decisions. If it’s a baby-free trip, then you can definitely pack…

  • What’s in your Disney bag?

    What’s in your Disney bag?

    Full disclosure, I’m not the person who packs our bags. I’m the person who ruffles through the bags and annoys my partner-for-life. I’m the DAD! It’s my job. E’s the organizing Queen (well, she’s really THE Queen). She packs our diaper bag and snack pack for Lil Bean. Here’s what we usually bring for a…

  • A Rundown of Our Disneyland Passports

    A Rundown of Our Disneyland Passports

    Since returning to California, we made a big budget decision to purchase Disneyland annual passes. Our first year back, we utilized the Disney Premier passes for $1400/person because we were going on a 9-day vacation to Walt Disney World. It was worth it since we also used the passes a second time for our baby-free…

  • Disney World sans Lil Bean

    Disney World sans Lil Bean

    Last summer, D realized we needed a little getaway. Deep down I thought so too, but I was more reluctant than D to leave Lil Bean for more than a day or two. I had many reasons, like, she’s still breastfeeding, she can’t go to sleep without me rocking her, and she’s not the greatest…

  • Our 1st Family Vacation

    Our 1st Family Vacation

    It’s been almost 3 months since our first family vacation and I’m still smitten about it. Lil Bean got a chance to meet so many Disney characters. My parents and D’s parents got their first taste of Disney World. And D and I made some wonderful memories with our baby girl. It was magical and…

  • Disney World with a Baby

    Disney World with a Baby

    The House of Mouse takes our money every even year. And we don’t mind. No, seriously. D and I love Disney World. We love Florida. We love vacations. So we budget well, and we make it happen. This year we went above our typical “you and me” getaway and included our daughter and our parents!…

  • Disney World Tips

    Disney World Tips

    Let’s get down to business… to defeat Disney World!!! Hehehe. Call us freaks. Nerds. Geeks. Fans. Enthusiasts. Devotees. Aficionados. Whatever. We really enjoy our trips to Disney World and Disneyland over the years. I know I’ve shared this before but fun fact: I’ve pretty much been to a Disney park each year of my life.…

  • Rewind to Our Unwind

    Rewind to Our Unwind

    Before even going to the Democratic National Convention in Philly this year, I knew D and I needed another vacation. For D, he hit a major professional roadblock. He was trying for a good portion of the year to move us back to California by seeking a promotion in one of the Marriott hotels in…

  • Our 2014 Vacation

    Our 2014 Vacation

    Vacation days are meant to be used!!!! If you haven’t used any vacation days, you’re well on your way to hating your job, your life, your situation, everything. No joke. I grew up believing that hard work pays off. It does, but it doesn’t. You can work 12 hr days, churn out paperwork like a…

  • Two Years

    Two Years

    Our Two Year Anniversary Derek and I have known each other since we were nine years old, having the same third grade class taught by Mrs. Mansfield. We were itty, bitty, beans. He was a newly transferred student. I was the teacher’s pet, the perfectionist. Who knew 15 years later, we would meet up again,…