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Moment in Time – E & D Sitting in a Tree

Moment in Time

D and I have been together for what some folks might call, a REALLY long time. We’re constantly being asked when we’ll settle down, have some kids, maybe raise a dog or two, and live in a nice home with a picket white fence. And sure some days, it’s nice to dream about all of those wonderful things, but most days we’re just happy to be here in the moment of now. I think that once you start thinking too far into the future, you forget to gracefully take in the present. I’m more than happy with how things are. Besides, when you have kids, a dog or two, and a nice home with a picket white fence, you sort of lose out on the spontaneity of life as well. There are more responsibilities to tend to. (Not that those responsibilities aren’t, again, wonderful things.)

Speaking about spontaneity, last week, D told me about a hidden DC spot we’ve yet to explore – Hillwood Estate, Museum, and Gardens.

It was the home of Marjorie Merriweather Post, the heiress of Postum Cereals, later known as Post Cereals. Plus side, it wasn’t that far from our apartment either. We decided to get out of our pajamas, slip into some casual clothes and good walking shoes, and walked over. Tucked away behind the Howard University Law School, the estate was grand! Though it is a museum, it’s not like most museums, unfortunately. You will get a bit of historical information, but mostly about Marjorie Merriweather Post than her massive collection of Russian and French porcelain and artifacts. Despite that, it’s a nice place to visit and spend the day exploring. The highlight of our trip were the gardens. D and I spent hours walking through the grounds of the estate – getting lost in the vast green spaces. For a moment in time, it felt like we were lost in our own secret garden. You know… Enjoying the present gracefully.

Everyone needs moments like that; the opportunity to take in your surroundings and be truly mindful of what you’re doing and who you’re with, creating a memory of that precise time. In a time where we’re constantly tied to our smartphones, tablets, computers, etc. it’s important to just be happy with the present. Don’t you think?

‘Til the next time.
– E

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